The winner of the procurement procedure, within a period not exceeding four days from the date of publication of the intention to conclude a procurement contract in the electronic procurement system, must provide the purchaser, by publishing documents in the electronic procurement system, confirming the absence of grounds specified in paragraphs 3, 5, 6, and 12 of Part 1 and Part 2 of Article 17 of the Law.
The purchaser does not require documentary confirmation of public information published in the form of open data in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Access to Public Information” and/or contained in open unified state registers, access to which is free, or public information available in the electronic procurement system, except in cases where access to such information is restricted at the time of publication of the announcement of open bidding.
Once the purchaser selects you as the winner in the system, you will receive a notification in your account under the Notifications section and via email.
To download the winner’s documents, click on MY DZO, OUR OFFERS.


Go to procurement.

In the QUALIFICATION OF PARTICIPANTS section, next to your company, there will be the status WINNER and a notification of the intention to conclude a contract.

Upload the documents for rectifying discrepancies in the OFFER REGISTER section by clicking on MY BID

Add a document (specify the name, select the file, and click ADD).

The documents will appear in the documentation list with an exclamation mark icon.

Press SAVE to upload the documents to the system.

After updating the documentation, it needs to be signed with an electronic digital signature (EDS).
Attention! Signature is mandatory for all, except non-residents!
Refresh the browser page and click SUBMIT A PROPOSAL BY APPLYING CEP/EDS.

New documents (sign.p7s, pdf, jpg, etc.) with the date and time of their attachment to the system will appear in the proposal documents list.