Abnormally Low Tender Price (ALTP)

27.06.2023 14:00
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An abnormally low tender price (ALTP) is the price/quoted price of the most economically advantageous tender resulting from the auction, which is: • At least 40% lower than the arithmetic mean of the prices/quoted prices of tenders submitted by other participants at the initial stage of the auction, and/or • At least 30% lower than the next price/quoted price of the tender resulting from the electronic auction. An abnormally low price is determined automatically by the procurement electronic system provided that there are at least two participants who have submitted their tenders for the procurement item or its part (lot). A participant who has submitted the most economically advantageous tender, which is abnormally low, must provide justification within one working day from the day of determining the most economically advantageous tender regarding the prices or value of the relevant goods, works, or services of the tender. The justification of the abnormally low tender price may include information about:

Achieving savings through the applied technological process of manufacturing goods, the order of providing services, or construction technology;

Favorable conditions under which the participant can supply goods, provide services, or perform work, including special pricing offers (discounts) from the participant;

Receiving state aid by the participant in accordance with the legislation.

If the system identifies your proposal as an ALTP, you will receive a notification via email and in your personal account.

To view the message, click on NOTIFICATION.

Proceed to procurement

In the QUALIFICATION OF PARTICIPANTS section under the organization’s name, the date and time by which the justification for the ALTP must be added to the system will be specified.

Upload the justification for ALTP in the OFFERS REGISTER section and click MY BID

Add document (specify the name, select the file, and click ADD)

The document will appear in the list of documentation with an exclamation mark icon.

Press SAVE to upload the document to the system.

After updating the documentation, it is necessary to sign with a digital signature. To do this, click SUBMIT A PROPOSAL BY APPLYING CEP/EDS.


New documents (sign.p7s, pdf, etc.) with the date and time of their attachment to the system will appear in the list of proposal documents.

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